We are dog-fooding our own product and using ReferIn to help build our team!
Sign up and submit your LinkedIn contacts below to join.
We'll email you about potential candidates in your network that could be a fit.
You'll earn $10K for every candidate we hire that you referred!
To join ReferIn's Team Referral Program please complete the steps below:
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Note: the information contained in this file is already public to your connection on LinkedIn.
ReferIn works it's magic and surfaces eligible candidates from your network. We'll review those profiles and only reach out to you in case we think a contact of yours could be a good fit.
At most, we'll only ask for a few referrals and you can always just decline our requests.
These are your contacts and we'll only reach out to them directly with your permission.
Typically, we'll ask you to forward an email from us asking the potential candidate if they'd be interested in connecting. Then, you'd simply put us in touch by email.
Yep! All you have to do is put us in touch and we'll take it from there. Pretty cool, right?
You can refer individuals candidates here!
Otherwise, all you have to do is submit your LinkedIn network and ReferIn does all the heavy lifting behind the scenes!
If we hire a candidate with whom you've put us in touch within 12 months of your introduction, and they remain on the team for over 3 months, we'll cut you a $10K check!
Have additional questions? Please contact us here!